Washington Mutual Settles Shareholder Investor Class Action Lawsuit For $208.5 Million.
A $208.5 million class action settlement has reportedly been reached in a class action lawsuit against Washington Mutual Inc. (“Washington Mutual” or “WaMu” or “Defendant”) in Seattle federal district court, alleging, among other things, that Washington Mutual made false and misleading statements about its financial condition which allegedly rendered WaMu stock an unduly risky and inappropriate investment option for participants’ retirement savings, according to Washington Mutual shareholder class action settlement news report.
If You Have Thoughts On The Washington Mutual Shareholder Investor Class Action Lawsuit Settlement, Share Your Class Action Settlement Comments Below.
Please advise, I had a mortgage/2nd with Washington Mutual/WAMU
from 2004 or 2006 to April 2009 when Chase took over their organiation. Please advise by email the website address to submit
a applicartion for class action settlement pertaining to Washington Mutul.
Bennee’ D. Chestnut
My husband and I were mailed paperwork about two weeks ago.As soon as I get home I will find the paper work and post the web address here if you would like.
Good luck and have a great evening.
Does anyone know if it is too late to get on board the class action? I had a WAMU loan in the time frame of the law suit. Don’t recall getting any paper work to join the suit! Now it is allegedly settling?
Did you find the address? We have misplaced our paperwork and am hoping it is not too late when/if we find it. Thanks so much. Along with the contact info, do you have the deadline date to file?
Could you please help me with the form for WaMu. I had a form and I missplaced it. I think they have to be in by the end of Aug. right?
Thank You Very Much.
Can you please send me the information you found out? I have the same loan april of 2006. It is such a bad loan. But, here I was single mother working two jobs raising 3 kids I needed this loan but as the many years that have gone by I realize how bad this loan was. Yeah it was affortable but I will never see the principle paid…ugg they lied.
I’d like the information too, Sherree, so please post it or send it.
Thanks you
I also need the information for the WAMU class action. Please send me the information.
This has nothing to do with a bank’s mortgage or loan customers… the class action involves funds placed in RETIREMENT ACCOUNTS.
We received the paperwork regarding the classaction lawsuit and ours WAS regarding the mortgage/loan services. We have/had NO retirement accounts. I misplaced the paperwork and would like to figure out how to pursue this issue further or how to get the info I lost on the paperwork.
We also were mailed the paperwork but I have misplaced it—am still searching for it. Ours is for mortgage/loan services so it must be for such. We have NEVER had any retirement accounts so believe the comments from Ikan Reed are incorrect.
Did anyone find contact info? I just moved and lost my forms I was sent. Thanks.
I am looking for a form i had received in the mail for a class action suit for WaMu something about the payoff. I know it has to be filed by the end of Aug. Could someone please help out?
Thnaks. lindaloo2g@yahoo.com
Not sure which settlement this article and you folks are referring to. I was a WAMU bond holder who lost big and that class action lawsuit is or was being handled by BLG law (212) 122-9666
What I received in the mail yesterday 8-20-11 was class action for WAMU regular stock, preferred stock CUSIP939322848,floating notes due 8-24-2009, 7.25% sub notes due 11-1-2017, and 7.75% series R convertible stock CUSIP 939322814 .
The paperwork, due Dec 8,2011 is for folks that are related to Garden city group (1-888-588-3788) who I think is driven by http://www.blbglaw.com
I received the paperwork regarding the class action lawsuit AS WELL and mine WAS ALSO regarding the mortgage/loan services. I NEVER had ANY retirement accounts. I filled out the paperwork and mailed it in ASAP. I do remember it saying that it was DUE SOMETIME NEAR THE END OF AUGUST.
You are correct, we also received the form regarding the class action suit for a mortgage/loan with WAMU. The deadline for submitting the form is today 8/31. The hearing is scheduled during the 2nd week of September per the paperwork we received. If a decision favorable to the plaintiff’s is found and after the lawyers get paid, the reimbursement for plaintiff’s in the suit, is 75-100% of the settlement fees you were charged that are in question.
I completed the paperwork for the WAMU mortgage class action lawsuit by the due date 8/31/11. I have yet to receive any additional information. Has anyone heard anything about if and when plantiffs will start to receive a payout?
how can I be part of the lawsuit settlement against Washington Mutual. I previously had a mortgage with them.
all paper work online @ above
Could someone give me some info on this lawsuit, I was with Wathington Mutual about 5 years ago when I had to forclose on my home, I got a paper but my significant other threw it out , is it too late to do anything??
How do I join the washington mutual law suit??
Hello, does anyone know if they started issuing out checks yet?
I have been watching my mailbox. Do you know that it did settle and how much we were awarded? Or does it goes case by case?
Any info appreciated, I will also post any updates I can find.
Thank you,
Does anyone have a contact number? I also received and applied online to be apart of this settlement. Unfortunately, I have misplaced my paperwork too. any info will be greatly appricated. I am also watching my mailbox.
Thank you.
Activist lawyers and class action activity lawyers are the scum
on fecal eating bacteria.
I send my claim in 60 days and have no heard any thing, how long do I need to wait or hire another Attorney. My address is 104- Waterway Crossing Little River, S>C. Thank You
Nelson, I haven’t heard anything either. I also submitted my paperwork before the 8/31/2011 deadline. If anyone could give us an idea how long it should take for us to receive some additional information that would be helpful! Thanks.
I bought Stocks of MAMU for $150000.00
So, Can i get contact details / Claim forms of MAMU Investor class action suite details.
I have a feeling that these checks will begin to come when we least expect it…
Say your prayers and expect some kind of check exactly when we least expect it…but I think it is coming when we really get our minds and hearts off the matter. Don’t forget to pray first and then leave it to THE HIGHER POWER.
I agree with MS.M….I also submitted the paper work in the appropriate time. Had not received any additional information. This is in GOD’S HANDS. I believe the check will be mailed out when you least expect it.
Where the hell is my money, I filed my paper work. The government gets paid and my identity is sold by an employee. After stealing thousands in unemployment and charging me $4,000 in over draft fee’s. Not to talk about my home loans which the company and employee ripped me off. Do any of you really think the government will allow any of us to get our money back or just keep it, just like the first letter from the government. Your identity was stolen, but if you can not prove how, we will be keeping the money.
Also, check Certegy check cashing and identity theft class action suit is related to Washington Mutual and it’s employee fraud. I received info from government, this is the link (www.girardgibbs.com).
I also missplaced latest paperwork regarding whether or not to sign off on the present settlement. Need telephone number which to call to get new legal forms to sign. If not how do I get replacement paperwork?Thanks.
does anyone have a phone number to call for details on when checks might be issued?
please let me know if I filed on time or at all.
I own 5,537.2502 shares
I got the paper work and sent it in on time. When are they sending out the checks does anyone know.
I completed my paperwork on time and mailed it back. Since the Class Action Suit has been approved, when will they mail out the checks? Will we receive a letter in the mail with the check or status? Please reply.
I received paperwork for (2) homes I owned with Washington Mutual as my lender. That was last year I signed & sent them back to the attorneys & I still haven’t received payment. It’s now 4/12, does anyone know what is going on or has anyone else received their money?? Is there anyone or an attorney I can contact about it? Thanks
I had a 2nd mortgage with Washington Mutual and now is in collection..I do not know what to do now..should I file chapter 13 or is there another alternative? Please advise.
Sorry not familiar.
When will we receive our checks???????
Please advise. I had several mortgage (4) loans within a two-yr period with Wamu (on the same property). The mortgage loan is now being serviced by Chase Bank. After going through the mortgage remodification process, and meeting all of the qualifications, once paperwork was placed with the underwriter I was informed that the
Remodification was being denied and that I would receive a written explanation within a few days. That was four months ago. I have yet to receive anything. At this time I am not even certain as to what company own my mortgage. According to my equifax credit report the loan account numbers do not match any of the loan numbers.
Truly Stressed!
I too did all the paperwork… ect… and am STILL waiting for some notice ??? I am due for a settlement . Nov. 13, 2012
Good grief!
18008602363 OR 18885883788 PUNCH O FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE
I will be making the call Monday, I hope to get some real answers. Its all over the news NOW that J.P. Morgan is ready to Pay out. 5.1 BILLION. U can find this info at “The Huffington Post”. on oct. 25th.
I will be making the call Monday, I hope to get some real answers. Its all over the news NOW that J.P. Morgan is ready to Pay out. 5.1 BILLION. U can find this info at “The Huffington Post”. on oct. 25th. 2013.
Washington Mutual Inc
Claim # WAM01542663
Have the checks been issued?
If so was I scheduled to receive a refund in the settlement.
Thank you
Bobby Hopper
Still patiently waiting….. What is the hold up………
Just got my check yesterday in the mail. This was for a loan I had with them. It was a lot more than I was expecting… time to go shopping!
We are still waiting for anything to happen, we sent our paper work in last August 2011, and still have not heard a word from anyone. Not really expecting anything, still patiently waiting.
Waiting – Patiently waiting …
Please let me know what’s happening. I filed the paperwork on time. Question: Has anyone received a refund from the case ?
Just checking …
Thanks a million
Haven’t seen anything yet! We had 2 loans with Wamu. Does anyone know a sight to check or any information? can’t seem to find any info. on distribution. Thanks & Good luck
Last year I completed and mailed my paperwork on time before the 8/31/2011 deadline..The class Action Law suit has been approved, but I have yet to hear anything..When will they mail out the checks?
Still waiting!
I completed my paper work 7-13-11 . We paid off 2 separate loans
with WA Mu in the time period. Still waiting for a check ….anything would be very nice.
In 2006 I took out a small business loan and like many out there only weeks after signing the paper work I was receiving phone calls from WAMU telling my bank branch failed to have me sign certain papers or documents and after trying to resolve that issue I was told “It is was it now” and my interest rate went through the roof (From 5% to 33% APR), after the 2008 recession I was nolonger able to meet my monthly payments among other bills and a year later I filed for Bankruptcy (Something I do not ever wish on anyone…not a fun process). Hopefully all of you who are expecting checks get them and that extra money comes in handy.
I would like to know if anyone who filed for this washington mutual classaction law suit has heard when will they payout the checks. I was
a mortage holder. Please anybody email me infomation on this matter.
yes after dec 7 2012
I would like to know has anybody heard when they will payout the checks. I had a mortage through WashMutual. Which was taken over by J.P. Morgan Chase. I turned in all my paper work please someone tell me
Can anyone please tell me if they have any updates on when check are due to be released? Or has anyone received there settlement yet ? I have also submitted all of my paperwork over a year ago.
It has been a over a year since I submitted my paperwork. Have heard nothing to date! Anxious ….
i turned in my paper work over a year ago and have not heard anything either. please if any one knows who i can contact about when to at least expect some kind of news.
I’m assuming no one read their mail. The letter said to have your information filled out by August 31, 2012. The letter also stated the minimum amount you would receive and that the checks will be mailed out in January of 2013.
I submitted my paperwork prioe to August 2011, however ,I don’t remember seeing that , but can you tell me what was the min. amount the letter stated on it ? Or will everyone get different amounts? Do you know
Did you receive your money from WM lawsuit
I think it was a scam..I never saw any money from this class action and I did all the paperwork..Anyone get thier money??
Can anyone help me? I was a stock holder of WAMU and also had some WARRANTS of WAMU and lost everything. I lost all paper work for the class action suit.How can I become a part of this class action at this time? I would appreciate any kind of help or information.
I mailed my certified document in July 2011. After being in the hospital after a month. I was contacted by Washington Mutual to apply for a second loan. In 1998 my town house was appraise for $69,000.00. Washington Mutual reappraise my house $112,000.00. That should have been a red flag for me. I could catch up on medical bills and do a little repair to property. Never thinking my mortgage payments will almost double. My understanding it would make the payment lower. Out come of all this, lost everything my house, transportation and file bankruptcy and became homeless. I heard last year on nightly new that settlement would be release after January 2013, but have not heard anything else. The phone number and website have not been updated. Do anyone have a phone number were you can speak to a person? I really hope they release payment soon.
Have anyone received their money from the WM lawsuite? Do anyone have a contact number for WM?
Anyone receive a payout yet?
I was part of this fiasco with Washington Mutual as well and would like to know whats happening with it. how do we find out?????????
I would like to know has anyone gotten any funds from WaMu for their mortgage wrongdoing. What if any funds are do to us who once held these
“Hello”, Can we get any feedback from someone, its been way too long. I’m sure this money can come in handy for alot of us, especially the way the economy is today.
Anyone receive info. or a payout?
Distribution checks go out September 2013 according to the website, cases are being reviewed, hopefully this will be of help!
I had a mortgage with Wa Mu and sent all the papers in 8/9/11 I have found the loan no and am still waiting to here from any one about the settlement.
Has anyone received their checks yet?
Has anyone yet received payout from this settlement?