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Irwin Naturals & Ultimate Nutraceuticals Dual-Action Cleanse, Total Body Purifier & Colon Cleanse Class Action Lawsuit Complaint Filed

Irwin Naturals and Ultimate Nutraceuticals Sued In A Class Action Lawsuit Over Dual Action Cleanse, Total Body Purifier, and/or Colon Cleanse Formula and Alleged Unauthorized Charges For Unordered “Auto-Ship” Products.

A class action lawsuit was filed against Irwin Naturals and Ultimate Nutraceuticals (collectively “Defendants”) in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina (captioned Antonion Abad Rodriguez v. Irwin Naturals and Ultimate Nutraceuticals, LLC, et al., Case No. 7:10-CV-102) alleging that Duel Action Cleanse colon cleansing product is ineffective and overpriced and that defendants charged plaintiffs credit and debit cards for unordered products without their authorization, according to class action news reports.

The Duel Action Cleanse class action lawsuit is reportedly brought on behalf of a putative class of more than 200,000 Americans who have (1) purchased Dual Action Cleanse, Total Body Purifier, and/or Colon Cleanse Formula, and/or (2) whose credit or debit cards were charged for products that were purportedly unauthorized and/or unordered.

For more information on the Irwin Naturals and Ultimate Nutraceuticals Dual-Action Cleanse, Total Body Purifier & Colon Cleanse Formula class action lawsuit, read the Dual-Action Cleanse class action lawsuit complaint.

If You Have Thoughts On The Irwin Naturals and Ultimate Nutraceuticals Dual-Action Cleanse, Total Body Purifier & Colon Cleanse FormulaClass Action Lawsuit, Share Your Class Action Comments Below.

{ 3 comments… add one }
  • Ralph November 19, 2010, 1:59 pm

    This should be illegal. Promising a free sample if you just pay shipping then hiding in the agreement they will auto charge you after 14 days. Their trick is the ship the product after the agreement deadline has passed. It should clearly state these charges. I’m trying to find out how to start a class action law suit against Natural Cleanse the suckered my wife out of $80.00. I’m even madder at my state (FL) for not protecting us from these predators.

  • Shirlene Hayashibara January 25, 2011, 4:25 pm

    As a victim of this scam, I want to know how I can be a part of this class action law suit.

  • Gordon Schiltkraut October 12, 2011, 3:00 pm

    Isn’t it true that Klee’s name means cloacal parasite in Icelandic?

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