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Discover Card Class Action Lawsuit Complaint Over Discover Card Payment Protection Plan

Discover Card Payment Protection Plan Enrollees File Class Action Lawsuit Complaint Against Discover Card Over Enrollment In Payment Protection Plan.

A class action lawsuit has been filed against Discover Financial Services Inc. and DFS Services LLC (“Discover Card” or “Discover” or “Defendant”) in St. Clair County Circuit Court in Illinois (styled Mark Hyzy, Holly Satterlee, Wilbur Thomas, Kenneth Busby and Margaret McRae v. Discover Financial Services Inc. and DFS Services LLC, Civil Action Case No. 10-L-563) alleging, among other things, that Discover Card enrolled plaintiffs in a payment protection program unwillingly and without their knowledge and then charged the Discover cardholders a fee based on a percentage of their Discover Card balance at the end of the month as part of the payment protection plan, according to a class action lawsuit news report.

If You Have Thoughts On The Discover Card Payment Protection Plan Class Action Lawsuit, Share Your Class Action Comments Below.

{ 25 comments… add one }
  • Gayle Adcock December 23, 2010, 9:29 am

    I wonder about “and other things” part of the suit. What Discover did to me was to send out a letter stating that if I missed a payment, was late with a payment or failed to pay the full amount due, they would raise my rate. I was never late and paid more than the amount due each month. They raised my rate anyway. When I called, customer service stated that this was not a punitive increase but a planned increase. They further stated that so many people had defaulted that they had to stay profitable with the customers who were paying. The increase has made it very difficult for me meet all my obligations.

    • J Arnold October 14, 2011, 7:20 pm

      I know this is a little late in the game for any response, nevertheless if you have not yet obtained relief, I wouls strongly urge you to cancel your Discover card, and dispute the increase in finance charges. Read very carefully your account terms and conditions disclosure documents, if you still have them. Contact your local consumer protection advocate and / or State Attorney General’s to file a formal complaint. You may also complain to the Federal Trade Commission at ftc.gov. Creditworthy consumers, such as you, should not in any circumstance be penalized for the defaults of others. Since our government idiotically bailed out a major part of the financial industry, we should not have to pay for others mistakes. Also, you should contact the class action attorney to see if you qualify as a potential class member, or even take legala ction yourself. I believe you are the victim of a breach of contract, and you may be eligible to receive an adjustment. I hope this is informative, but as a disclaimer, this information is not intended to constitute legal advice. (But I would definitely take action against them if it were me.) Good luck. I hope you find a better, reputable financial institution to handle your business. Discover is no doubt, the “Peggy” expereince.

      • James January 31, 2012, 2:17 pm

        They hooked me with one of those checks into protective service it took me a year to get them to cancel then after I finally got it stopped they started it right back up I stop paying the extra after several letters then stopped paying it totally. I even copied their trick on one of the payments but to no avail they simply told me they were not bound by agreements of that type so i told them to take a flying leap they finally canceled the debt but ruined my credit ha! I get my credit card application now then ever. But the IRS hit me for taxes and pentalties on the six thousand they forgave me.

  • Shelene Castro December 29, 2010, 7:40 am

    My husband and I were charged for the ‘payment protection plan” and we lost nearly $3000 to this “plan”. I would like information on how to join in a class action lawsuit. Discover also increased our fees without us ever being late or behind on payments.

    • Charlene Szabo January 11, 2012, 11:00 am

      I would like information on how to join in a class action lawsuit against Discover Card, too. I lost over $3,000 to this plan.

  • Joan February 16, 2011, 12:19 pm

    My husband and I each had Discover accounts. I paid the bills for both accounts, and told him his was never going down, even though I always paid over the minimum, and we had used neither account for almost 3 years. We finally realized he was being charged for the protection plan. When he complained–just this past month–he received a letter saying they had no record that he had requested it, but SINCE HE HAD NOT DISPUTED IT SOONER, THEY WOULD NOT REMOVE IT! They also increased our rates without our ever being late. Discover is the most crooked company around. We would like information on joining this lawsuit.

  • Kim, Woisoon February 23, 2011, 5:25 pm

    The way that the Discover is handling their business is getting very similar to Captial One, another credit card company: make offers for programs such as 5 % cas back to have customers open an acoount with them, and then trap customers with all sorts of fees and charges while ignoring their customer’s service needs

    I have been Discover Card customer since 2006, and had no bad memory with their customer services until 2010. For example, whenever any charge was disputed, they responded and listened to this customer as credits were issued for the disputed charges.

    But it was a completely different story in 2010. A charge form the merchant, ITP (Voice Over Internet Service Provider), was disputed due to its deceptive billing practice: no disclose of the actual monthly service charge regardless of the customer’s repeated written request befor the service activation and completely ignoring the customer’s written request to cancel the service immediately after the hidden fees, more than 50% the known fee, was disclosed to keep on charging the monthly fee

    Discover was contacted immediately after the fee discrepancy was found. They issued the credit for the discrepancy between the known and the actual monthly fee immediately but allowed the merchant to keep on charging the disputed charge while issing temporary creditsevery month to the customer until the lost/stolen card was reported.

    As a customer who had paid off total balance every month by due date, total balance except the disputed charge was paid off to avoid facing any confusion with the disputed charge from the account after the lost/stolen card was reported, and then the replaced card has never been activated.

    Immediately after the message was sent to Discover that the total balance except the disputed charge was paid off to avoid facing any confusion from the ongoing dispute, they reversed the temporary credits from the dispute before responding to the submitted dispute related document and began to charge late fees and interests.

    Another setep by step detailed dosuments related to the dispute were submitted to the manager of the responsible department to prove why the charge must be disputed and how the merchant designed and employed such deceptive tactics to mislead people to sign up their service.

    That was three months ago. No single response to that has been given to the customer except charging the fees and asking the customer to call them even thouhg they had already prove that they are deafen and blinded to collect the monthly fees and interest. Even they were asked to take an action to resolve the problem and close the account instead of filing up the fees without giving any answer to the customer for the disputed charge: Was the merchant comitted the fraud by misleading their customer to sign up their service or not?

    Do Credit Card companis join with the deceptive, unethical and even unlawful businesses to run their business while being a deafen and blinded to their customer’s needs and voices?

  • Linda May 19, 2011, 3:28 am

    Does anyone know if there is actually a lawsuit being put together? If so, what is the name of the law firm and how would i contact them?
    My small business was ripped off for thousands of dollars in this scam.

    • Greg January 20, 2012, 9:28 am

      walkersettlement dot com

      Beware that the deadline is June 6, 2012 to submit a claim.

    • Ken January 26, 2012, 9:52 am

      Here’s the website you requested to fill out your claim.

  • penny34578 June 24, 2011, 2:21 pm

    i love it they are getting seued i hate discover card

  • yvonne January 28, 2012, 6:29 pm


  • YVONNE January 28, 2012, 6:33 pm

    i would like the web address for the the class action suit

  • Chris Kuykendall February 16, 2012, 10:54 am

    The payment protection plan is not an issue with me, but Discover generally is atrocious to deal with. Briefly, my neighbor got scammed. The good news ought to be that (1) the non-federally-preempted state law here requires telemarketing transactions to be authorized by a signed agreement as a prerequisite to a billing even being submitted, (2) the agreement has to meet certain content parameters, (3) the one that was signed failed those parameters, (4) the agreement also contained cancellation deadline provisions that were at odds with those in non-federally-preempted state law, notice of which is another prerequisite for submission for billing, and, last but not least, (5) the agreement only authorized billing to ANOTHER credit card, not Discover! This was in addition to the seller ignoring a requirement of non-federally-preempted state law requiring telephone solicitors to register with the state, supply names of owners and key personnel, supply telemarketing transcripts or instructions, etc. The neighbor’s attorney submitted what’s basically a brief, to the Discover Financial Services dispute people, covering all this in detail. Discover, however, repeatedly sides with the scam seller which has offered no rebuttals we have seen, and then sends out form e-mails to the neighbor, stating, “After reviewing the case, it appears this information has already been taken into consideration or is insufficient to continue the investigation,” with no explanation for its stance of or why it’s accepting a billing for what was only authorized to another credit card. I cancelled my Discover card several weeks ago, out of fury, and wish I could wave a magic wand to either get everybody else to do so as well or determine if there are other potential class actions that could be brought.

  • inna March 12, 2012, 12:13 am

    Please send me the link to the site to file a claim. I am a victim of their game. Thank you.

  • darlene berzansky September 27, 2012, 7:03 am

    how do i participate in this class action suit?

  • Adam Almendarez September 27, 2012, 11:14 am

    Please send me the link to the site to file a claim. I am a victim of their game. Thank you.

    • Donna Little September 29, 2012, 6:50 am

      Adam did you receive info. if so please forward to me..T Y

  • Donna Little September 29, 2012, 6:49 am

    Please send me the link to join class action lawsuit. Discover card did the same thing to me !!

  • Robert L. Stone October 1, 2012, 7:41 pm

    I was a victum also of this scam. I did not know about this lawsuit and it is now past June. Should we start another one? They charged me around $136 to $140 per month on this until I noticed the charges. I called Sam’s club, and they said that Discover did it. and I called Discover and they said that Sams did it.I closed out the account because it was happening every month for I don’t know how long.

  • James Smith October 3, 2012, 10:48 am

    I just learned of the class action lawsuit and contacted customer service at Discover company. They did not share any information with me about how I can recover the fees they applied to my account without my knowledge. Can someone help me with the steps and who I need to contact bacause I am of victim of this protection plan.

    • Lilion October 11, 2012, 7:28 pm

      Did you get info on how to join this lawsuit, if so coould you please share. Like you I’m just finding out about it and now the date to file a claim has passed. Thank You!

  • Jane Wells March 4, 2013, 1:44 pm

    I signed up for the automatic payment if my payment did not get paid on the due date. I always overpay my balance because this is my primary card for purchases. On my due date I paid at Sears, $3000. The same day Discover withdrew from my bank $2200. My checking account could not cover the extra withdrawal, so I was charged a $35.00 fee. Discover tried to withdraw the amount two more times, on different days, making the total “bounced check” fee $115. When I phoned Discover they would only cover half of the fee. This is outrageous. I don’t understand why my payment didn’t go through stopping the withdrawal from Discover. They have a very flawed system at the card owners expense.

  • SUSANA LACAYO August 21, 2013, 11:43 pm

    Terrible purchase protection plan! It never works as indicated in the agreement.

  • Ann Stewart October 4, 2014, 10:03 pm

    I like link to join suit. Discover payment protection plan a ripe off!

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