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Detroit Police Department (DPD) Class Action Lawsuit Complaint Filed

Persons Arrested & Detained By The Detroit Police Department (DPD) File Class Action Lawsuit Against The City of Detroit Over Alleged Abuse & Deprivation Of Constitutional Rights.

A class action lawsuit was filed against the City of Detroit in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan (styled Jonathan Aaron Brown, et al v. City of Detroit, Case No. 1:10-cv-12162-TLL-CEB) alleging that thousands of individuals were arrested and/or detained and denied basic constitutional rights by the Detroit Police Department DPD since May 27, 2007, according to class action lawsuit news reports.

The Detroit Police Department (DPD) class action lawsuit complaint reportedly alleges that the Detroit Police Department violated 42 U.S.C Section 1983 by, among other things, engaging in a repeated pattern of detaining individuals for long periods of time (often allegedly in excess of 48 hours) without allowing them access to a judge and without providing adequate food, water, and sleep during their detention. The Detroit Police Department (DPD) class action lawsuit complaint also reportedly alleges that the DPD’s detention system denied citizens the right to prompt judicial review of  the Detroit Police Department’s justification for detaining them.

The Detroit Police Department (DPD) class action lawsuit is reportedly brought on behalf of the following sub-classes of persons:

  • All persons detained in a DPD lock-up or detective division facility overnight or for more than sixteen hours in a 24-hour period at any time from May 27, 20007 to the present.
  • All persons detained by the DPD in excess of 48 hours without a judicial determination of probable cause at anytime from May 27, 2007 until the present.
  • All persons detained by the DPD in excess of 24 hours and did not receive at least two meals at any time from May 27, 2007 to the present.

For more information on the Detroit Police Department DPD class action lawsuit, read the class action lawsuit complaint.

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  • Darsella Biles February 6, 2021, 7:55 pm

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